Proses cat celup belitan motor listrik di pabrikan

Purpose of motor stator windings dipping and drying

The purpose of drying the electric motor winding dip paint is to drive out the moisture contained in the insulating material and fill all the space air gaps with insulating paint, so as to improve the insulation strength of the winding and moisture-proof performance.

Tetapi itu juga perlu meningkatkan ketahanan panas dan pembuangan panas dari belitan, tetapi juga untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik dari isolasi belitan, stabilitas kimia, konduktivitas termal dan efek pembuangan panas dan menunda penuaan, kualitas cat celup motor, secara langsung mempengaruhi motor.

Kualitas cat celup motor secara langsung mempengaruhi kenaikan suhu dan masa pakai motor.

Proses pencelupan dan pengeringan harus dilakukan sesuai dengan proses perawatan insulasi untuk memastikan penetrasi cat insulasi yang baik, permukaan film cat yang halus dan kekuatan mekanik yang tinggi.

Belitan stator diikat menjadi satu kesatuan yang kokoh.

Saat ini, pemrosesan belitan stator motor listrik dengan insulasi E dan B dicelupkan ke dalam pernis, umumnya menggunakan pernis resin alkid melamin 1032, pelarutnya adalah toluena atau xilena, jumlah pernis pencelupan untuk kedua kalinya, akan dirujuk secara kolektif untuk sebagai seni perendaman panas pernis celup kedua yang universal.

Motor windings dipping and drying process

Prosesnya terdiri dari dua proses utama: pre-baking dan lacquer dipping.

I: Pre-drying

1. Tujuan pra-pengeringan

Gulungan harus dikeringkan terlebih dahulu sebelum mencelupkan cat, untuk menghilangkan kelembapan pada belitan dan meningkatkan suhu benda kerja saat mencelupkan cat, untuk meningkatkan kualitas cat celup dan kapasitas penetrasi cat.

2. Metode pra-pengeringan

Pemanasan pra-pengeringan untuk meningkatkan suhu secara bertahap, kecepatan kenaikan suhu tidak lebih dari 20-30 derajat / jam sudah sesuai.

Suhu pra-pengeringan tergantung pada kelas isolasi, isolasi kelas E harus dikontrol pada 120 ~ 125 derajat, isolasi kelas B harus mencapai 125 ~ 130 derajat, dalam isolasi suhu 4 ~ 6 jam, kemudian motor pra-pengeringan belitan akan didinginkan hingga 60~80 derajat untuk mulai mencelupkan cat.

II: Dipping paint

Saat mencelupkan cat harus memperhatikan suhu benda kerja, viskositas celup dan waktu pencelupan cat untuk belitan motor di tangki pernis.

1. Suhu perendaman

If the workpiece temperature is too high, the solvent in the paint evaporates quickly, so that the surface of the winding prematurely formed paint film, and not easy to dip to the internal winding, also resulting in material waste.

If the temperature is too low, it will lose the role of pre-drying, so that the viscosity of the paint increases, mobility and permeability is poor, also make the dip paint effect is not good.

Practice has proved that the workpiece temperature in 60 ~ 80 degrees dipping paint is appropriate.

2. Viscosity of paint

The viscosity of the paint should be appropriate, the first dip in the paint hope that the paint dip to the motor winding inside, so the requirement of paint mobility is good, so the viscosity of the paint should be low, generally can be 22 ~ 26s (20 degrees, No. 4 viscometer);

the second dip in the paint, the main hope in the winding surface to form a good layer of paint film, so the viscosity of the paint should be larger, generally take 30 ~ 38s is appropriate.

As the temperature of the paint has a great influence on the viscosity, so it is generally stipulated that 20 degrees is the benchmark, so the viscosity should be measured according to the temperature of the paint for appropriate adjustment.

3. Dipping time

The principle of the choice of dipping time:

the first dipping paint, hope that the paint can try to dip into the winding inside, so the dipping time should be longer, about 15 ~ 20min ,

The second dipping paint, mainly to form a better surface paint film, so the dipping time should be shorter, so as not to take too long instead of the paint film damage, so about 10 ~ 15min is appropriate.

But It must be dipped through, until no bubbles, if not ideal to extend the dip time. After each dip paint is completed, the stator winding should be put vertically, drip dry remaining paint, the time should be 30min, and use solvent to wipe other parts of the remaining paint.

Paint dipping method

Metode utama pencelupan cat adalah: penuangan, perendaman, dan pencelupan tekanan vakum.

Untuk cat celup motor perbaikan tunggal, lebih banyak menggunakan perendaman tuang, sedangkan perendaman dan perendaman tekanan vakum biasanya digunakan untuk motor pabrikan, untuk batch dapat dianggap perendaman, motor bertekanan tinggi hanya menggunakan perendaman tekanan vakum.

The common methods of pouring and dipping are:

a) Lepaskan motor yang sudah dipanggang sebelumnya, biarkan hingga dingin hingga 60-80 derajat dan atur secara vertikal di atas baki cat.

(b) Isi botol minuman plastik kosong dengan pernis bebas pelarut untuk mengetahui jumlah pernis yang akan dituangkan.

(c) Holding the plastic bottle with the insulating lacquer, tilt the bottle so that the lacquer flows out of the bottle in a line, pour the lacquer from the upper end of the winding, so that the lacquer penetrates the coil and flows back into the lacquer tray from the lower end of the winding.

(d) When the paint dripping has stopped for about 20-30 minutes, turn the new motor stator over and pour the insulating paint into the upper end of the motor winding (formerly the lower end) until it penetrates.

(e) After stopping the paint dripping for about 30 minutes, use a cloth dipped in paraffin to remove the remaining paint from the inner chamber of the stator and the machine base, and then dry it.

f) If the paint needs to be dipped for the second time, after drying, take it out and cool it to 60~80 degrees and then pour it for the second time.

Vacuum pressure impregnation (abbreviated: VPI) insulation process

The VPI-vacuum pressure impregnation process is to cool the workpiece after pre-baking and de-moistening, and then place it in a vacuum environment to exclude the air and volatiles inside the white coil, relying on the gravity of the paint in the vacuum and the capillary action of the coil, as well as the use of dry compressed air or inert gas to exert a certain pressure on the impregnating paint after lifting the vacuum, so that the paint can quickly penetrate and fill the inner layer of the insulation structure.

In China, VPI is currently still a gap-working insulation process.

The drip-drying of the workpiece is carried out in the dipping tank and the drying process is usually carried out in a separate container or oven.

The methods are vacuum drying, atmospheric pressure static drying or rotary drying.

VPI-process flow: ⊙ → pre-drying and dehumidification → into the tank → vacuum exhaust → vacuum dipping paint → pressure impregnation → pressure discharge paint → unloading pressure drip paint → out of the tank → curing and drying → ⊙.

Perbandingan: Jelas bahwa VPI jauh lebih unggul daripada proses pencelupan lainnya dalam hal penetrasi dan impregnasi pernis. Dalam hal aplikasi, VPI lebih cocok untuk kumparan tegangan tinggi besar, kumparan kuk multilayer flush-wound dan gulungan besar yang menuntut, serta kumparan tegangan tinggi lainnya.

Berkenaan dengan tekanan, pada prinsipnya tekanan diterapkan untuk memudahkan pernis masuk dan mengisi rongga, dan sebenarnya ada tekanan atmosfer dalam proses tersebut.

Jika keterbasahan kapiler dari struktur insulasi sudah seimbang, maka peningkatan tekanan tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada pengisian seluruh struktur insulasi, kecuali peningkatan tekanan dipertahankan selama proses curing.

Jadi cara efektif untuk meningkatkan pengisian adalah dengan mengurangi viskositas pernis dan mengurangi kekosongan pada struktur insulasi, meningkatkan efek kapiler, daripada meningkatkan tekanan.

The data from the "Viscosity and pressure on penetration rate" test shows that when the viscosity of the lacquer is high, increasing the pressure has a greater effect on the filling rate, while when the viscosity of the lacquer is low, the effect of increasing the pressure on the filling rate is not significant.

Namun, viskositas pernis memiliki pengaruh yang sangat signifikan terhadap laju pengisian, yang berbanding terbalik satu sama lain.

It can be seen that in the application of the VPI process, a one-sided emphasis and the simple pursuit of high vacuum or high pressure is blind and unhelpful.

The result can affect the efficiency of the impregnation and can even spoil the quality of the impregnation.

The actual process parameters of a process vary for different insulation structures as well as for different technical requirements.

For example, VPI has four process parameters, i.e. vacuum Vi, pressure Pi, temperature Ti, time ti, where i is 1, 2, 3, ....... The four process parameters are, for example, vacuum Vi, pressure Pi, temperature Ti and time ti, where i is 1, 2, 3, and n (n is the total number of VP process steps and i is the sequence of steps).

Struktur insulasi (W), spesifikasi teknis (A) dan karakteristik pernis (E) adalah elemen fungsi dasar dari keempat parameter proses ini.

Insulation treatment of motor and transformer windings with dipping paint

Dari pencelupan, yaitu impregnasi biasa, hingga impregnasi ganda, hingga impregnasi celup, gulung, dan impregnasi vakum, impregnasi tekanan vakum telah berkembang menjadi proses berkelanjutan dari perendaman biasa, impregnasi celup dan gulung, dan akhirnya hingga integrasi impregnasi vakum dan pengeringan, pembentukan serangkaian operasi kontinu mekanis yang beragam.

Application of modern computer technology and PLC technology automatic control of the impregnation process, which is constantly through technological innovation, production needs and social development of the promotion, the gradual evolution of development, it is this promotion, and produced a new generation of vacuum dipping paint dryer, energy saving, environmental protection into an integrated high-tech products, brand-name products, nearly 600 users at home and abroad use.

The new generation vacuum paint dipping and drying machine is a mechanical insulation process in which the workpiece is put into the dipping and drying cylinder for pre-drying.

The air and volatiles inside the coil are excluded in the vacuum environment, and then the paint is dipped under vacuum conditions relying on the gravity of the paint and the capillary action in the coil, so that the paint quickly penetrates and fills the inner layer of the insulation structure.

FGH process: put into the workpiece → white pre-baking → vacuum de-wetting → vacuum dipping paint → back to paint → drip paint → cleaning → back to the cleaning agent → low temperature drying to high temperature curing → insulation → out of the oven the whole process, fully sealed without environmental pollution in one go.

The advantages of the role of FGH: In the scope of application of the FGH process, the advantages of its role are mainly in the following areas.

(1) Improve the integrity, as the vacuum dipping paint makes the insulation paint almost completely filled inside the insulation, strengthening the integrity of the entire winding, the winding in operation each part will not move separately, reducing the failure caused by mobile wear.

(2) Improved environmental conditions, due to the vacuum dipping paint, the whole dipping process, including paint delivery and paint dipping and drying, is carried out and completed under completely sealed container conditions.

Seluruh proses pengeringan dipanaskan oleh sirkulasi udara panas, dan gas limbah yang dihasilkan didaur ulang dan dipancarkan kembali melalui dua kelompok kondensor A dan B, memperbaiki lingkungan kerja dan memenuhi persyaratan lingkungan.

(3) Kurangi suhu operasi dan kenaikan suhu, karena cat pencelupan vakum dan pengeringan menjadi satu terisi penuh, pengganti yang baik untuk celah udara internal, meningkatkan konduktivitas termal motor, transformator umumnya dapat mengurangi 5-10 ℃.

(4) improve the performance of the workpiece, as a result of vacuum dipping paint drying the entire winding is impregnated with paint tightly encapsulated, soaked, smooth and bright surface paint film, so that pollutants, moisture and chemical gases can not enter the inner layer, eliminating the fault caused by the conductive medium bridging.

(5) Energy saving and cost reduction, due to vacuum dipping lacquer, drying into one, drying time than the oven to shorten two fifths, drying temperature than the oven to reduce 10-20 ℃, to further achieve increased production and energy saving and cost reduction.

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