High voltage electric motor, the electric motor type defined and defined for the rated voltage of the motor, as opposed to low-voltage motors.
From the comparison of the power of the motor can be found, the general power of high-voltage motors is larger, mainly by using the characteristics of high-voltage motors with high voltage and small current, making the choice of motor conductor area with greater freedom.
However, the insulation structure of high-voltage motors is much more complex than low-voltage motors, mainly in the motor winding and wiring system.
From the comparison of motor application fields, high-voltage electric motors are more often used in industrial fields; while people's daily work and life places, all use low-voltage elelctric motors.
That is the power supply characteristics of the electric motor application site, which basically defines the rated voltage of the motor.

China's high-voltage electric motors basically have a total of three voltage levels of 3000V, 6000V, and 10000V, while the high-voltage motors applied in other countries are set according to the local high-voltage power supply, which differs from our country's voltage, such as, 3300V, 6600V, and 11000V.
High voltage electric motors, are mainly used in some needs to drive machinery,
such as compressors, pumps, crushers, cutting machine tools, transport machinery, and other equipment for mining, machinery industry, petrochemical industry, generators and other various industrial equipment.
From the analysis of the application characteristics of the motor, compared to low-voltage motors, high-voltage motors because of the current is smaller, and therefore the requirements for power distribution facilities are relatively small, such as cable diameter, switches, etc.
Therefore, for users, for relatively large power electric motors, you can choose high-voltage or low-voltage motors in accordance with the power supply adaptation.
But from the manufacturer's point of view, the production and manufacturing process of high-voltage motors, especially the electrician manufacturing process High-voltage motors are more complex than low-voltage electric motors, although many current electric motor manufacturers, the manufacturing process of high-voltage elelctric motors are relatively mature.
But the inherent corona of high-voltage motors, shaft current problems, from time to time are plagued by electric motor manufacturers and users.

From the aspect of motor efficiency assurance, due to the continuous improvement of the national energy efficiency assurance standard requirements for low-voltage motors.
The efficiency improvement technology of low-voltage electric motors has been relatively perfect and has achieved obvious results, but for high-voltage motors, the speed of efficiency improvement still needs to be accelerated.

Find a professional manufacturer for low-voltage electric motors , please contact with Dongchun motor China.
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